Dashrite Web Services Privacy Policy

Last Updated: February 1, 2024

1. Introduction

1.1 We at Dashrite have a noble purpose to enhance people’s lives and assist small and big businesses grow. The best aid we can provide to our community is a platform that can improve lives and help businesses to thrive. However, we need to collect, use, and share some of your personal or business information to achieve this goal. To ensure your data is secure, our Privacy Policy and Dashrite Customer Terms of Service will help you understand how we use your information and how you can exercise your rights and choices.

2. Privacy Policy Overview

2.2 This policy applies to all Dashrite Web Services users, including Customers, partner service Providers, white-label resellers, and all Dashrite Web Services platforms and services, including our applications, websites, technology, facilities, and other services (collectively, the “Dashrite Web Services Platform”). This policy applies only to personal information, not information that does not identify you. Please remember that using the Dashrite Web Services Platform is subject to our Dashrite Terms of Service.

 Some aspects of the Dashrite Web Services Platform may operate under separate or additional terms or practices different from or in addition to those described in this policy; in those cases, We will share separate notices and information relevant to the use of those parts of the Dashrite Platform.

3. The Information We Collect

3.1 We collect information as you use our services, such as your name, email, phone number, and other necessary details. Additionally, we collect geolocation data on some of the platforms.

4. Information You Provide to Us

4.1 Account Registration:  When you create an account with any of Dashrite Web Services (products or apps, web application), we collect the information you provide us, such as your name, email address, phone number, birth date, profile photo, and payment information. You may also share additional information for your profile, like saved addresses, and set up other preferences. In some cases, we may ask for further information related to the identity of your account, such as documents related to identifying a profile picture or “selfie” imagery.


4.2 Ratings and Feedback: When you rate or provide feedback about our Dashrite Web Services Platforms, we collect all of the information you provide in your feedback.

4.3 Communications: When you contact us, or we contact you through surveys or research projects, we collect any information you provide, including the contents of the messages, emails, or attachments you send us.


5.1 Subscription Fees.

 Most DWS products work on subscription, module and the Subscription Fee you subscribe to will remain fixed during the initial term of your subscription unless (i) you exceed your Maximum Contacts or other applicable limits, (ii) you upgrade products or base packages, (iii) you subscribe to additional features or products, including additional Contacts, or (iv) otherwise agreed to your Order. We may also decrease your fees upon written notice to you. You can find all the information about how your payments may be adjusted otherwise in the Product Specific Terms. Please review the product-specific terms for details on  Dashrite Web Services products and Subscriptions that may have different fee structures.


5.2 Fee Adjustments at Renewal. 

Upon renewal, we may increase your Subscription Fees up to our then-current list price set out in our Product and Services Catalog. If this increase applies to you, we will notify you at least thirty (30) days before your renewal, and the increased fees will apply at the start of the next renewal term. If you do not agree to this increase, either party can terminate your subscription at the end of your then-current term by giving the notice required. 


Please review the product-specific terms for information on Dashrite Web Services Subscription Services with different fee adjustment notice requirements.


5.3 Payment of Fees.

If you are paying by credit card, you authorize us to charge your Authorized Payment Method for all fees payable during the Subscription Term. You further authorize us to use a third party to process payments and consent to disclose your payment information to such a third party.


In the event of a failed attempt to charge your Authorized Payment Method (for example, if your Authorized Payment Method has expired or is no longer valid), we reserve the right, and you authorize us to retry billing your Authorized Payment Method. If you update your Authorized Payment Method to remedy a change in validity or expiration date, we will automatically resume billing; we may also receive updates on your Authorized Payment Method through our payment service providers and automatically resume billing. We may suspend your access or terminate your account if we cannot successfully charge you using a valid authorized payment method. 


5.4 Payment against invoice.

 If you pay by invoice, we will invoice you at most thirty (30) days before the beginning of the Subscription Term, each subsequent Billing Period, and other times during the Subscription Term when fees are payable. All amounts invoiced are due and payable within thirty (30) days from the invoice date unless otherwise specified in the Order Form.


5.5 Payment Information. 


You will keep your account or business information current, including your company name, address, and primary contact. You will also keep your Authorized Payment Method and billing information up to date for the payment of incurred and recurring fees, including your tax information. 


You authorize Dashrite Web Services to continue charging your authorized payment method for applicable fees during your subscription term until all outstanding fees have been paid in full.


 All payment obligations are non-cancelable, and all amounts paid are non-refundable, except as explicitly provided for in this Agreement. All fees are due and payable in advance throughout the Subscription Term. If you are a Dashrite Web Services Solutions Partner that purchases on behalf of a client, you agree to be responsible for the Order Form and to guarantee payment of all fees.


5.6 Sales Tax.

 All fees are exclusive of taxes, which we will charge as applicable. You agree to pay any taxes applicable to your use of the Subscription Service and performance of Consulting Services. You will have no liability for any taxes based on our gross revenues or net income. If you are in the European Union, all fees are exclusive of any VAT, and you represent that you are registered for VAT purposes in your member state.


 At our request, you will provide us with the VAT registration number under which you are registered in your member state. If you do not provide us with a VAT registration number before processing your transaction, we will not issue refunds or credits for any VAT charged. If you are subject to GST, all fees are exclusive of GST. If you are in Canada, all fees exclude GST, PST, and HST.



5.7 Withholding Tax.

Suppose you must deduct or withhold tax from the payment of your Dashrite Web Services invoice. In that case, you may deduct this amount from the applicable Subscription Fee due to the extent it is due and payable as assessed withholding tax required under laws that apply to you (the “Deduction Amount”).  


You will not be required to repay the Deduction Amount to us, provided that you present us with a valid tax receipt verifying payment of the Deduction Amount to the relevant tax authority within ninety (90) days from the invoice date. Suppose you do not provide this tax receipt within the specified period. In that case, all fees, including the Deduction Amount, will be immediately due and payable, and failure to pay these fees may result in your account being suspended or terminated for non-payment.

6. Information We Collect When You Use the Dashrite Web Services Platform

6.1 Location Information

The Dashrite Web Services Platform collects location information differently depending on the Dashrite Web Services application you use, settings, and device permissions.

6.2 Usage Data:

When you or your Dashrite Web Services account users interact with the Subscription Service, we may collect usage data. Usage data includes metrics and information regarding your use and interaction with the Subscription Service, such as what product features you use the most, when an object (like a ticket) is opened and closed, how often particular features (like workflows) are triggered, and when users log into their accounts. 


We engage third-party providers to collect usage data. For more information about protecting your information with these service providers, see “How We Disclose Your Information.

6.3 Web & Mobile Apps

6.4 When you access or use the Subscription Service via our web or mobile applications, we may automatically collect information such as your device model and version, operating system, or device identifiers

6.5 Third-Party Integrations

6.6 You may connect third-party integrations to your Dashrite Web Services account, which may ask for specific permissions to access data or send information to your Dashrite Web Services account. It is your responsibility to review any third-party integrations you authorize. We may collect information about the integrations you use in your Dashrite Web Services account.


Any permission(s) granted by you grants these third parties access to your data, which may include (but is not limited to) granting third-party applications access to view, store, and modify your Dashrite Web Services account data.  We are not responsible for the practices of third-party integrations, so please carefully review the permissions you grant to third-party applications.

7. Communications Between You (Users) and Customer Support

7.1 At Dashrite, we have a service that helps you connect with Customer Service through phone calls, text messages, and other communication channels. We use a third-party service, and while doing so, we may collect certain information. The information includes the phone numbers of the people involved, the date and time of the communication, and the contents and chat messages. Sometimes, we monitor or record phone calls through our communication channels for security. Some of our products have built-in communication channels that allow customers to communicate with the customer support team. For services that don’t have built-in communication channels, we may share your personal information, such as name, address, and phone number, with service providers to contact you when necessary to fulfill your requests.

8. Cookies, Analytics, and Third-Party Technologies.

8.1 Cookies are small text files web servers place on your device to store basic information and help websites and apps recognize your browser. We may use both session cookies and persistent cookies. A session cookie disappears after you close your browser, while a persistent cookie remains after you close your browser and may be accessed whenever you use the Dashrite Web Services Platform.

8.2 We collect information through the use of “cookies,” tracking pixels, data analytics tools like Google Analytics, SDKs, and other third-party technologies to understand how you navigate through the Dashrite Web Services Platform and interact with advertisements to make your Dashrite Web Services experience safer, to learn what content is popular, to improve your site experience, to serve you better ads on other sites, and to save your preferences.

9. Information We Collect From Other Sources

9.1 Service Providers and Other Parties. Service providers and other parties provide us with the information needed for certain core aspects of the Dashrite Web Services, additional services, programs, loyalty benefits, and promotions that can enhance your Dashrite Web Services experience. These service providers and other parties include background check providers, insurance partners, financial service providers, marketing providers, and other businesses. We may obtain the following information.

  • Information to make the Dashrite Web Services Platform safer, like background check information or identity verification information;
  • Information about your participation in third-party programs that provide things like insurance coverage and financial instruments, such as insurance, payment, transaction, and fraud detection information, depending on the application you use;
  • Information to operationalize loyalty and promotional/marketing programs, services, or features you choose to connect or link to your Dashrite Web Services account and 
  • Information about you is based on specific services, such as demographics and other information that helps us provide services.

10. Referral Programs.

10.1 Friends help friends use the Dashrite Web Services Platform. If someone refers you to Dashrite Web Services, we will collect information about you from that referral, including your name and contact information.

11. Other Users and Sources.

11.1 Other users or public or third-party sources, such as law enforcement, insurers, media, or customers, may provide us with information about you, for example, as part of an investigation into an incident or to support you.

12. How We Use Your Information

We use your personal information to:

  • Provide the Dashrite Web Services Platform;
  • Maintain the security and safety of the Dashrite Web Services Platform and its users;
  • Build and maintain the Dashrite Web Services community;
  • Provide customer support;
  • Improve the Dashrite Web Services Platform.
  • Respond to legal proceedings and obligations.
  • Verify your identity and maintain your account, settings, and preferences;
  • Connect you to service and track their progress;
  • Calculate prices and process payments;
  • Allow Customers and service providers to connect regarding their service.
  • Communicate with you about your use of the Dashrite Web Services Platform and experience;
  • Collect feedback regarding your experience;
  • Facilitate additional services and programs with third parties and
  • Operate contests, sweepstakes, and other promotions.
  • Perform research, testing, and analysis;
  • Develop new products, features, partnerships, and services;
  • Prevent, find, and resolve software or hardware bugs and issues; and
  • Monitor and improve our operations and processes, including security practices, algorithms, and other modeling.

13. Responding to Legal Proceedings and Requirements.

13.1 Sometimes, the law, government entities, or other regulatory bodies impose demands and obligations on us concerning the services we seek to provide. We may use your personal information to respond to those demands or obligations in such a circumstance

14. How We Disclose Your Information

14.1 We do not sell your personal information to third parties — no one can buy the personal information you share with us, and we do not act as a data broker. 

However, we may need to share your personal information with third parties to deliver relevant, personalized ads on and off the Dashrite Web Services Platform or provide the services you requested.

14.2 Third-party Service Providers.

We may disclose Personal Data to third-party service providers to facilitate our websites, products, and services. For instance, we engage service providers for activities such as data hosting, application development, marketing, sales support, and customer assistance. Your information may be shared with service providers to deliver details about products or services. Examples of these activities include removing unwanted information from prospect listings. 

– Analyze data and conduct statistical analyses on your utilization of the subscription service or interactions on our websites. 

We Support marketing initiatives to inform you about our latest products and services. 

Your feedback and engagement are crucial to our growth, and we value your role in our marketing efforts. 

  • Processing credit card transactions.
  • Enhancing the information you have provided to ensure improved service delivery. 
  • Enhancing and refining products and services. 
  • Delivering customer service or support. 

These service providers are prohibited from using your Personal Data for any purposes other than those outlined, and they are obligated to maintain the confidentiality of your information. Whenever we share your information in this manner, we explicitly mandate the third-party service providers to acknowledge and uphold our privacy and data protection policies and standards.

14.3 Partners

We may disclose data to Dashrite’s trusted partners so they can contact you in response to your request for such communications, perform statistical analysis, offer sales support, or provide customer service. These partners are explicitly prohibited from utilizing your Personal Data for any purpose other than those stated, and they are obligated to uphold the confidentiality of your data.

14.4 Public Forums

Our websites may offer publicly accessible message boards, blogs, and community forums (e.g., https://appointee.dashrite.com/ ). Please remember that if you directly disclose any information through our public message boards, blogs, or forums (including profile information associated with the account you use to post the information), it may be read, collected, and used by any public member who accesses these websites. Your posts and profile information may remain even after you terminate your account. We urge you to consider the sensitivity of any information you may disclose in this way. We will correct or delete any information posted on the websites if requested. “Your Privacy Rights and Choices” is below. Sometimes, we may not be able to remove your information, but we will let you know if we can and why.

15. For Legal Reasons and to Protect the Dashrite Web Services Platform

18.1 We may disclose your personal information in response to a legal obligation or if we have determined that disclosing your personal information is reasonably necessary or appropriate to:

  • Comply with any applicable federal, state, or local law or regulation, civil, criminal, or regulatory inquiry, investigation or legal process, enforceable governmental request, or requirement as a condition to operate (e.g., operating permit, license or agreement);
  • Respond to legal process (such as a search warrant, subpoena, summons, or court order);
  • Enforce our Terms of Service;
  • Cooperate with law enforcement agencies concerning conduct or activity that we reasonably and in good faith believe may violate federal, state, or local law or
  • Exercise or defend legal claims, protect against harm to our rights, property, interests, or safety or the rights, property, interests, or safety of you, third parties, or the public as required or permitted by law.

16. In connection with the Sale or Merger

16.1 We may disclose your personal information while negotiating or about a change of corporate control, such as a restructuring, merger, or sale of our assets.

17. Upon Your Further Direction

We may disclose your personal information to interact with a third party or with your permission or direction.

18. How We Store and Protect Your Information

 Data Storage and Security


 We employ cutting-edge security technologies and protocols to safeguard your Data against unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. The Personal Data you share with us is hosted on computer servers in a carefully controlled and secure environment shielded from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. All Personal Data is safeguarded through suitable physical, technical, and organizational measures.


 We retain your information for as long as necessary to provide you and our other users with the Dashrite Web Services Platform. This means we keep your account profile information for as long as you maintain an account. We retain transactional data, such as orders and payments, to ensure we can perform legitimate business functions, such as accounting for tax obligations. We also keep your information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our terms and policies. If you request account deletion, we may delete your information.

We take reasonable and appropriate measures designed to protect your personal information. However, no security measures can be 100% effective, and we cannot guarantee the security of your information, including against unauthorized intrusions or acts by third parties

19. Your Rights And Choices Regarding Your Data

Dashrite Web Services may provide ways to access and delete your personal information and exercise applicable data rights that give you specific control over your personal information.

20. California Privacy Rights

  1. Applicability 

This section applies only to California consumers. For purposes of this section, “Personal Information” has the meaning given in the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”). It describes how we collect, use, and share California consumers’ Personal Information in our role as a business and the rights applicable to such residents. The California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) requires firms to disclose whether they sell Personal Information. Dashrite Web Services is a business that does not sell personal information. We may share Personal Information with authorized service providers or business partners who have agreed to our contractual limitations regarding their retention, use, and disclosure of such Personal Information. 

If you are unable to access this Privacy Policy due to a disability or any physical or mental impairment, please contact us, and we will arrange to supply you with the information you need in an alternative format that you can access.

b. How We Collect, Use, and Share your Personal Information

We have collected the following statutory categories of Personal Information in the past twelve (12) months:

 Dashrite Web services collect this information directly from you. 

  • Commercial information, such as subscription records.
  • Financial information, such as payment information or financial account numbers, is being provided with a subscription.
  • Identifiers include name, e-mail address, mailing address, and phone number. We collect this information directly from you or third-party sources. 

Dashrite Web services collect the information below directly from your device. 

  • Internet network information (IP address)
  •  Browsing and search history.
  • Operating system


Other Personal Information: When you interact with us online, by phone, or by mail in the context of receiving help through our help desks or other support channels, participate in customer surveys or contests, or provide the subscription service. 

The business and commercial purposes for which we collect this information are described in this Privacy Policy. The categories of third parties to whom we “disclose” this information for business purposes are described in this Privacy Policy. The period for which we retain this information is described in this Privacy Policy.

c. Your California Rights

You have certain rights regarding the Personal Information we collect or maintain about you. Please note these rights are not absolute, and there may be cases when we decline your request as law permits.

The right of access means that you have the right to request that we disclose what Personal Information we have collected, used, and disclosed about you in the past 12 months. 

The right of deletion means that you have the right to request that we delete Personal Information collected or maintained by us, subject to certain exceptions. 

The right to correction means you have the right to request that we correct any inaccurate personal information we maintain about you.

The right to non-discrimination means you will not receive discriminatory treatment when you exercise one of your privacy rights. 

Dashrite Web Services does not sell or share Personal Information with third parties (under California Civil Code §§ 1798.100–1798.199, also known as the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018).

d. How to Exercise your California Rights

You can exercise your rights yourself or designate an authorized agent to exercise these rights on your behalf. Please note that to protect your personal information, we will verify your identity using a method appropriate to the type of request you are making. We may also request that your authorized agent have written permission from you to make requests on your behalf, and we may also need to verify your authorized agent’s identity to protect your Personal Information. 

Please use the contact details below, “Your Privacy Rights and Choices,” if you would like to access this policy in an alternative format;

Exercise your rights;

Learn more about your rights or our privacy practices, or Designate an authorized agent to request on your behalf.

21. Data Protection Officer

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or our privacy practices, or if you have a disability and need to access this notice in a different format:

Contact Dashrite LLC. on our Privacy Request Form ;


You may also contact us by postal mail for all Dashrite Web Services brands at:


Dashrite LLC.

 100 S Clinton Ave 24th Floor

 Rochester, NY 14604

25. All Users

25.1 Email Subscriptions.

You can always unsubscribe from our commercial or promotional emails by clicking unsubscribe in those messages. We will still send you transactional and relational emails about your use of the Dashrite Web Services Platform.

25.2 Push Notifications.

You can opt out of receiving push notifications through your device settings. Please note that opting out may impact your use of the Dashrite Web Services Platform (e.g., receiving a notification about core services).

25.3 SMS Subscriptions.

You agree to receive our SMS messages when you share your mobile number with us. We may use your phone number to send promotions or notify you about our services. 

Rest assured that we will always handle your data carefully and respect your privacy. Please note that :


  • “Messages and Data rates may apply. Message frequency will vary.”
  • “Reply Stop to Opt-out of messaging”
  • “Reply Help for Customer Care Contact Information”

25.4 Profile Information.

Log in to your account settings and profile to review and edit certain account information you have chosen to add to it.

25.5 Location Information.

You can prevent your device from sharing location information through its system settings. However, if you do, this may impact Dashrite Web Services’s ability to provide our full range of features and services. When applicable, you may also control some elements of sharing your location with Dashrite Web Services in your Dashrite Web Services account settings.

25.6 Accessing Your Information.

Suppose you would like to access your personal information. In that case, You can also see our information about you by logging into your account and viewing your profile, settings, preferences, Service history, or payment information. In addition, you may have some information included in things we sent you, such as service receipts.

25.7 Deleting Your Account.

Suppose you want to delete your Dashrite Web Services account. In some cases, we cannot delete your account, such as if there is an issue with your account related to trust, safety, or fraud. When we delete your account, we may retain certain information for legitimate business purposes or to comply with legal or regulatory obligations. For example, we may retain your information and must maintain it as part of an open legal claim. When we keep such data, we do so in ways designed to prevent its use for other purposes.

26. Children’s Data

Dashrite Web Services is not for children, and we don’t knowingly collect personal information from children under 16. If we find out that a child under 16 has given us personal information, we will delete that information. If you believe a child under 16 has given us personal information, please contact us at support@dashrite.com.

27. Links to Third-Party Websites

The Dashrite Web Services Platform may contain links or references to third-party websites, products, or services. Those third parties may have privacy policies that differ from ours. We are not responsible for those third parties and their websites, products, or services, and we recommend that you review their policies. Please contact those parties directly with any questions about their privacy policies.

28. Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update this policy occasionally as the Dashrite Web Services Platform changes and privacy laws evolve. If we update it online, we will do so, and if we make material changes, we will let you know through the Dashrite Web Services Platform. We may also use some other method of communication, like email. When you use Dashrite Web Services, you agree to this policy’s most recent terms.

29. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about your privacy or anything in this policy, including if you need to access this policy in an alternative format, we encourage you to contact us at support@dashrite.com.


Dashrite LLC.

 100 S Clinton Ave 24th Floor

 Rochester, NY 14604